You fell in love with a façade. To operate from a place of strategy, you must know your opponent. Who is the narcissist behind the mask?

In this online course, Tina will discuss the importance of profiling the narcissist during child custody battles and she will guide you through the process of profiling your opponent.

Tina explains, “If five different people came to me with the same question, I would struggle to give an answer due to the background and variables in each situation. My biggest question would be: ‘who are you up against?’ It’s easy to say that narcissists all use the same playbook and to some degree that is true but profiling your opponent in battle is crucial - even more so when you need to think strategically within the confines of the family court system. One would never enter a sporting event, a divorce, or a war without knowing the intricacies of their opponent.

Attendees will receive:

  • Immediate access to the one-hour course led by Tina Swithin.

  • PDF handout to guide you on the profiling process.

  • Invitation and password to the private Facebook group (access to the Facebook group is “at-will” and applicants can be denied or removed from the group at the discretion of One Mom’s Battle, LLC).

Sign Up For Immediate Access!
