The Documentation Package

The Documentation Package features the below courses and includes a savings of $50.


Are you struggling to understand how to properly communicate with a narcissist (or high-conflict individual) during your child custody battle? Communication during a child custody battle with a narcissist, and more specifically, strategic communication, plays a huge role in the outcome (positive or negative) of family court cases. The reality is, most people play right into the narcissist’s trap and wind up looking like they are part of the conflict.

In this course, we will discuss the following:

  • The Reality of Family Court (Radical Acceptance: they don’t know either of you)

  • Understanding Narcissistic Communication

  • Gray Rock vs Yellow Rock Communication

  • What is “The Yellow Rock Mentality?”

  • Decoding the Narcissist’s Communication

  • Strategic Communication for the Win

Having a strategic mindset and removing emotions is a tall but crucial step to painting a picture of who the narcissist is — and who you are as a person and, as a parent.


Are you struggling with documentation in your child custody battle? A well-organized documentation system allows you to properly convey your concerns to family court professionals ( judges, GAL’s, evaluators, mediators, and attorneys). Tina Swithin, Founder of One Mom’s Battle and Author of “Divorcing a Narcissist” credits much of the success in her own child custody case to her organizational system.

“I would cringe when people would tell me to, ‘document everything,’ or ‘just keep documenting!’ Most weeks, documentation felt like a full-time job and sometimes it was. I was documenting everything and it felt like it was all in vain. Looking back, 99% of my documentation has never been submitted to the court and but, it was that 1% that ended up protecting my children. Documentation is the foundation but there is so much more to it. Once you have the documentation, it’s a matter of pulling it together and showcasing the patterns of behavior in a way that grabs the attention of those around you. It took years for me to fine-tune my system but once I did, it made a world of difference and today, my children have peace. I credit much of my family court success to the way I documented the issues and the way I presented them to the court, to minor’s counsel and to child custody evaluators.” - Tina Swithin

In this hour-long course, Tina will guide you through the steps you need to replicate her own personal documentation system. This online course will prove helpful no matter where you are in your child custody battle. 

TESTIMONIAL: “Thanks so much for this workshop. I had been keeping notes all along and this took them to the next level.  My senior lawyer who has been in practice more than 20 years could not stop talking about how impressive my documentation was. I was able to use this to get more than 50% custody of my 5-year-old along with the therapy for her that I’ve been requesting since 2018. Please keep up the great work!  You are making a substantial difference in the lives of moms and kids.” - Anonymous

Support Group: Those who complete the course are invited to join our private group, “OMB Documentation Group.”


  • Strategic Communication: Understanding the Language of the Narcissist: $100 Value

  • Documentation Workshop: Creating a System That Works For You: $125 Value

Total Value: $225

Bundle Price: $175

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